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5 Habits To Improve Your Mental Health

  1.  Spend some time alone each day.  Turn off the phone and just be with you.  This gives you the opportunity to think your own thoughts, make your own decisions, and form your own opinions.  Unplug totally and just be in silence.
  2. Develop a daily practice that helps you to stay grounded.  I suggest any of the following: meditation, prayer, yoga, washing the dishes my hand, taking a short walk. Engage in your daily practice no matter what is going on.
  3. Practice gratitude.  Spend a few minutes each day reviewing what you are thankful for.  Writing them in a journal or taking photos of them can increase the pleasure of this activity.
  4. Start a hobby.  Hobbies bring joy, give us an outlet, and gives us something to obsess over besides our problems, past, and future.  Solo hobbies are best for your mental health because they can be done when you need the distraction or joy without having to wait on others.  You might wish to choose a hobby that clicks your creative side or requires you learn something new. Even the simple pleasure of collecting can improve your mental health. Start something new or go back to a long forgotten passion.
  5. Stop and Smell the Roses.  Yes, I mean really do this.  Take time to smell flowers.  Take time to watch a butterfly flit from flower to flower, instead of snapping a picture and moving on.  Roll that chocolate around in your mouth increasing the pleasure of each bite.  If you spy a little bird on your windowsill wait to hear it’s song.  Slow down and enjoy the moments of your life.
About Geraldine M. Brown MS, LPC, LIMHP (162 Articles)
I hold a Master's Degree in counseling. I am a licensed professional counselor and a licensed independent mental health practitioner. I have over 25 years of experience counseling people from all walks of life.

3 Comments on 5 Habits To Improve Your Mental Health

  1. I like the five habits to improve your mental health.
    I would add take ownership of our behavior, thoughts, emotions and feelings by so doing you can let the other person owner his or hers.
    Remove the words, should and shouldn’t, must and must not, and ought and ought not. These are controlling words The only time these words are of value is in relation to your plans.
    It is ok to be (your first name),

    Liked by 1 person

  2. #improvementalhealth


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